
Women Are Safer On 2 and 4 Wheels, Who Knew?


Yep. We Did.

According to this article in the New York Times, we are far less likely to be at fault on two wheels and four!

But compared with women, male drivers of cars and vans had twice the rate of fatal accidents per mile driven.

Male truck drivers had about four times the rate of women truckers, and men driving motorcycles almost 12 times the rate of women motorcyclists.

I’m not terribly surprised given the statistics I’ve read over the years from the NHTSA. I’m sure there are lots of exceptions to this rule where you may know a female rider that’s far more reckless than another male rider. But the overall trend seems to show that overall women are less likely to be as reckless.

I would say that far more women are safety conscious given the added responsibilities that many of us bear in our family lives. We know that as caregivers, wives, mothers, many people rely on us and we have to take extra precautions to be more safety-conscious overall. Whether it’s driving in a car, or riding on 2-3-4 wheels.

What I find fascinating is this part:

For bus drivers and bicycle riders, there was little difference between the sexes.

Wonder why the rates are so different between bus drivers and bicyclists?

To read the entire study, click here.

Need "Bad Fit" Women's Gear Photos

To my fabulous female readers. I'm contributing to an article about women's gear fitment and need photos to illustrate "bad fit" for women's gear, especially jacket and pant photos.

Please <EMAIL> them to me.

For example, here's a pic of my saggy butt showing the worst pant fit ever. I have a very flat butt.

This was about 6-7 years ago when I lost a lot of weight (almost 20lbs) so when I tried on my pants after ~6 months this was the result.

(For reference, these were Revit Gear 2 Pants, now discontinued but the current version is called the Ignition 3)

Before they are used, I will email you and let you know.


Article Contribution; Helping Dealers Sell Gear to Women Riders

Shout to my girl Alisa Clickenger for featuring me in her article in November's edition of Motorcycle Powersports News

I shared my tips for success when trying to sell motorcycle gear to women. There are a few things you have to consider when thinking about what to carry, including sizes/fit and of course budget. 

You can address your riding community, you just have to get to know them first! 

Please share this with any dealers/shops you know that might need help with their selection of women's motorcycle gear. 

MPN_Apparel Pro Nov 2017.jpg

Article from about Women's Gear Options

I recently talked to the author of this article from about the increase in options for women's gear over the past decade.


There are many things we're not seeing in the growth of women's gear but it's nice to see more options surface, even if it doesn't necessarily work for 100% of the women riders out there.