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I'm on a posting rampage!

Just trying to make up for lost time. December and January were slow, so I'm doing my best to catch up. :)

I wanted to announce a new project of mine, the GearChic Forums! I need a few guinea pigs to test out the forum, help me beef up content and give me feedback. I thought a forum solely dedicated to gear would be a great place for people to talk nonstop about it. Here's a description of the boards I've created.

"Gearchat" Zone - All about Gear, All the Time!
1. Gearchat General - Post here for general comments and ideas about women's motorcycle gear.
2. Questions about Gear - Post any and all questions you have about your gear, gear you don't own yet, fit/sizing or anything regarding motorcycle gear. Yeah, Finally!!
3. I'm a Gearslut - That's right, you own more than 1 jacket, 1 helmet, 1 pair of gloves, 1 pair of overpants and 1 pair of boots. Do you have more gear than your S/O thinks you should? Then come on in and tell us what you have and why!
4. Gear Shop - Sale/Wanted
Do you need to sell your gently used gear? Looking to buy gear? Or, know of any slammin' deals on the interwebs that you'd like to share with your fellow female riders?

"Social" Zone
1. Events/Meetups - This is the place to post for meetups (moto and non moto related) for Social users
2. Social/Genearl - Once you have a sponsor, have them PM me directly to let you in.
This is a forum where women who love motorcycles can chat about anything/everything related to riding.

Women only, please! I've designed the Social Zone to be a safe place for women to post without worrying
about being bothered by guys for their pics, or any other offensive/uncomfortable comments. Sorry guys,
but there are a million other motorcycle forums open for you to join to socialize. This isn't an online dating

A couple of rules about my forum:

1. If you want to post you must register.
2. You can browse the "Gearchat" zone without registering.
3. Access to the "Social" zone is only given if you know someone who already has access. That person must email or PM me and vouch for you that you're a woman (sorry boys).
4. Boys are only allowed access in the GearChat zone.

Please feel free to drop me a line via email or through the forum. My username is pretty obvious.
