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Finalizing Tshirts Designs and Updating

I'm tweaking some of the designs I've posted and will hopefully finalize those today or tomorrow. I'll post the final pics when I get them done.

I'm also writing up some fit guides for my Getting Started page. I recently found a link to this website that talks about women's helmets:

Frankly, I think this is a rather dumb label. Helmets are helmets. When you shop for one, you are simply trying to find the model that fits your head the best. There are designs out there that are obviously intended for female riders, but calling them 'female helmets', in my opinion, implies that certain helmets made / manufactured specifically for women, vs. designs/graphics that are more feminine.

I'm still working on my idea for creating fit videos as well, so you know exactly what you should be looking for when you go shopping! And to tell if the gear you have now really fits you or not.